Wolfe Island
The Wolfe Island wind facility near Kingston, Ontario began commercial operation mid-2009. The site has a nameplate capacity of 197.8 megawatts and includes 86 wind turbines.
The power produced from Wolfe Island is sold under a 20-year Renewable Energy Supply II Contract with the Ontario Power Authority.
TransAlta owns and operates the Wolfe Island facility through its wholly owned subsidiary Canadian Hydro Developers.
At a Glance
- Technology: Siemens SWT-2.3-93 turbines, 80 metre towers
Environmental Highlights
- Wolfe Island is EcoLogoM certified by the Environmental Choice Program.
Post-Construction Monitoring
The Post-Construction Follow-Up Plan (PCFP) for Wolfe Island is a state-of-the-art monitoring program, and is the most comprehensive program in Canada.
The PCFP requires bi-annual monitoring reports be prepared and submitted to Environment Canada, Ministry of Natural Resources, Natural Resources Canada and to Ducks Unlimited Canada for review and comment.
Data collected during the monitoring work is done professionally, objectively and without bias. The monitoring reports are prepared by third-party experts who have extensive experience in post-construction monitoring programs.
The PCFP ensures that any potentially significant unanticipated adverse environmental effects are identified if they occur. It also ensures the appropriate agencies are involved in the analysis of the monitoring results.
We proactively post the reports, along with Environment Canada and the Ministry of Natural Resources comments on the report, to our website for the public to view.
Current Post-construction Monitoring Report
- Wolfe Island Bird & Bat Monitoring Report – April 2014
- Environment Canada Comments on Wolfe Island Post-Construction Monitoring Report
- Ministry of Natural Resources Comments on Wolfe Island Post-Construction Monitoring Report
Request A Tour
Self-guided tours – If your group is smaller than 10 people, we encourage you to visit the Information Centre south of Highway 96 on the 5th Line Road. The Centre features two information boards packed with great information about the development process of this wind facility.
If you’ re interested in taking a tour on your own around the Island, download a self-guided tour map or pick one up at the Wolfe Island Business and Tourism (WIBTA) kiosk, located in Marysville.
While touring, please respect the private property of landowners and remain on public roads at all times.
Note: We gratefully acknowledge Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) for its support for this project through the eco Energy for Renewable Power (eERP) program.